Friday, February 19, 2010

carut ngarut karut

sometime people do change
but most of da time people cant change as they just cant

i can b whoever i want to b but da best thing to do is just b me as who i am..
i do have lots of disadvantages..i mean lots..
but dats me..

apemende sku mencarut ni..
gile geli bulu cek keti ni ha..
lantak la..

esok blk uitm perak yg gile best boom boom ke babo tuh..
jumpe lg lauk yg konon2 sedap tu yg jual kat tp bank islam tu(uptown)..daa.
jumpe lg makhluk bj biru yg konon2 ensem yg dok kat tpi pokok2 cantek konon tu kt entrance tuh..
gile syok kan..
pastu lukis2 ats marjerin paper..
pastu warne2 gune marker yg gemok cam preganant 8 bulan tuh yg konon2 selese la agknye die cipta gemok camtu..
syok abes la..

pastu bersiar2 setiap pag dr bidara ke fspu yg konon2 nye sgt dkt yg kirenye kalo jln tuh cek keti ni x berpeluh la...konon la kan..

anyway uitm do have its own advantages like..


ape yek..

da jumpe da..
pasar ari selasa..

yg laen kene piker lg..
lantak la..
janji aku kene submit 4 aribulan..

yeay...gile seronon kan kwn2 submission day..
serono x terkire yg kirenye best die cam dpt gi australia jln2 ngan geng artemasia..
gile best..

best kepale otak..
cam celako...

da la..
aku nk g beli margerin paper nih..
nk tempah x..
ah x payh..
g beli kat kiosk yg konon2 nye best sgt cam cold storage la konon nye tuh..


1 comment:

pupil said...

we can be whoever we want to be, but the best thing is we always try to be the betterman